about the Annotated Zoetrope

the zoetrope is called

the wheel of life;

images are brought ‘to life’ through their juxtaposition with other images.

as the zoetrope spins, images appear to fuse and become one moving, shifting form.

the annotated zoetrope presents distinct images and ideas and stories

from different places I have been;

it depicts bits and pieces of life

in succession

creating the illusion of movement

with the help of photographs, vignettes, videos, and memories.

in this zoetrope not only images but words are strung together side by side and formed

into observations and descriptions

of images, memories, sensations and thoughts,

slowly coming together and becoming more than their discrete parts

and somehow,

although the fragments are diverse and disparate,

the zoetrope creates a sense of continuity

between one frame and the next.

When spun rapidly,

you can almost see “the motions of life.”

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